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Browning (2000)

Using Music During Childbirth-Women selected the combination of music and labor support as a helpful coping strategy during labor. All women used the music during labor to help distract them from pain or their current situation. Conclusion: The planned use of music by mothers and caregivers can be an aid to prenatal preparation and an important adjunct in pain and stress management during labor and birth.

DeCamillo (2000) 

Used music effectively in an emergency high risk pre-term delivery due to pregnancy-induced hypertension with excellent outcomes for mother and baby. MTACB can be used in emergency settings where epidural analgesia is too risky for mother during labor.

Sound Birthing (2002)

Music Therapy Assisted Childbirth Case Studies: Five Women, Five Births-Conclusion: every birth is unique and does not always go according to plan-support is equally as important as the music; one without the other and the experience is not the same.

Fulton (2005) 

The Effects of Music Therapy on Physiological Measures, Perceived Pain, and Perceived Fatigue of Women in Early Labor-ANOVA revealed self reported pain and fatigue were significantly lower for the music group.

Shu-Chen Chang, Chung-Hey Chen (2005)

This controlled sutdy provides evidence that music therapy can reduce anxiety and create a more satisfying experience for women underdoing cesarean delivery.

Effects of music therapy on psychological health of women during pregnancy. Conclusion: This controlled trial provides preliminary evidence that two-week music therapy during pregnancy provides quantifiable psychological benefits. Findings: Pregnant women should be encouraged to use MTACB as this cost-effective method of music in their daily life to reduce their stress, anxiety and depression.

The Research


"Our results revealed that compared with the control group, the experimental group had significantly lower pain, anxiety and a higher finger temperature during the latent phase of labour"


According to the above article by Dr. Fred J. Schwartz, music can help:
+speed up labor
+decrease pain perception in labor and delivery.
+decrease the stress response to labor, benefitting both mother and newborn
+allow some control over the labor & delivery environment
+express both the struggle and joy of birth
+celebrate the special occasion.
"Music can be beneficial whether the delivery is natural, with anesthesia, or C-Section."


"Results indicated that the music group had higher success scores on 5 out of 7 indices of the childbirth process.  A moderate correlation between home practice with the music and successful outcome was also found.  The authors also noted the possibility that perhaps support from a music therapist during labor and delivery contributed to successful outcome. Overall, findings suggested that music therapy may successfully contribute to reducing anxiety during childbirth, as well as augment positive feelings of support throughout the childbirth experience"


"Music Therapy Assisted Childbirth has many benefits, aiding mothers in the attainment of a natural birth (most often free of drugs). Music therapy studies and their application have demonstrated that a specially designed music program is effective in relieving pain, assisting with breathing, giving focus to the mind, helping with relaxation and generally enhancing the birth experience and outcome for mothers and babies. Regular practice is required to receive these benefits. The music is selected from the repertoire of the couple and the music therapist. Tapes are customized for practice as well as for the labor and delivery setting. Parents have reported continued use of this music after birth and for relaxation during breastfeeding. In addition, through toning and sounding techniques the voice becomes an instrument of self expression and empowerment allowing the mother to creatively express her feelings during the birth process."


"One week after the delivery each mother was given a post-delivery questionnaire and was asked how the music helped her concentrate, relax, and whether it helped with rhythmic breathing. Results indicated that all of the mothers had fewer pain responses in the music vs. no-music condition, and that music aided concentration, relaxation, cued breathing, and diverted attention from pain."


"What effect did a little music and pictures have on milk production? The results were actually quite striking. All 3 of the “listening intervention” groups produced more milk during the study, and not just a little more – 2-3x more!"


"Biofeedback was used by Wiand (1997) to show that relaxation was higher in pregnant women who received training with music, relaxation, and Lamaze as opposed to only receiving training in Lamaze and progressive relaxation techniques. During three hours prior to their delivery, mothers participating in another study with music during labor were significantly more relaxed then women not receiving a music intervention as evidenced by self reports. They also reported feeling more personal control during the labor process then did the non-music participants (Browning, 2001).


Two studies revealed significant decreases in stress during music therapy-assisted childbirth using pre-selected, patient preferred, recorded music (Clark, McCorkle, & Williams, 1981; Hanser, Larson, & OÂ’Connell, 1983).


ClarkÂ’s et al. (1981) research demonstrated a statistically significant correlation between music and positive attitudes towards a successful childbirth. Self report scores suggested that experimental subjects who received six music therapy training sessions prior to birth achieved significantly higher success scores then the control group. Because of the noticeable correlation, the frequency and length of home practice with music were considered strong predictors of a successful childbirth experience."


"Music therapy techniques have been implemented and researched during pregnancy and music therapy assisted childbirth and revealed positive results regarding stress, anxiety and pain management (Clark, McCorkle, & Williams, 1981; Hanser, Larson, & OÂ’Connell, 1983)."


"Music therapy intervention suggested that relaxation, physical comfort and perceived control of pain can be increased during a single-session with a music therapist"- (Krout, 2001).


"Caine speculated that music may help lower stress levels in infants and therefore decrease 
their total length of stay in the hospital."



P: 323-325-1995



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